
# Name WPs # Lead beneficiary/Partner Delivery date Comments
1 Kick-off meeting in LA (Buenos Aires) 6 UAB and all partners 1 General organization Agreed scheduled exchanges.
2 Website and multimedia tools functioning 5 UNLu 10 Website contains high quality input from >80% of partners
3 State of the Art needs (Academia-Industry in each LA country) 1/2/3 ICMAB-CSIC 16 The middle term (2007-2013) analysis of the relationships between academia and industry in materials science (advanced ceramics) in AR, BR and CL
4 Educational Modules & e-Learning Platform 5 UNLu 20 Content related to target sectors, potential economic impacts, socio-economic impacts
5 Oriented Training, courses and Workshops 1/5 UAB/ICMAB/CSIC/INTEMA
38 At two different levels: 1.-Scientific and Technological level and 2.- Project formulation-evaluation and negotiation process
6 Studies in advanced ceramics 2 INTEMA 40 Grouped by advanced ceramics applications in several sectors like environment, medicine etc.
7 Specific seminars 5 ADRAM/SENAI 42 Complementary activity for Training, oriented to specific and concrete courses in one thematic: news calls of interest in materials science, new techniques, new synthesis, new applications of ceramics products etc.
8 Socio-economic studies 3 CERCAL 44 The sector analysis (ceramics) from economic added value and social impact in the society (jobs, market distribution etc.)
9 Impacts evaluation 4/5 CERCAL 45 List of main impacts in academia-industry-society and analysis of these impacts in each sector. Final report to stakeholders and the EC
10 Action and Business Plans 3/5 CBS 46 Transference to regional/national stakeholders
11 Diffusion activities 5 UAB 48 Contacts with regional/national stakeholders