Objectives. A strong and positive impact on the research potential of the consortium, opening opportunities for cooperation between EU and LA countries, upgrading the RTD capacity and capability as well as quality of research leading to better integration in ERA and in the international cooperation framework (an important point for the Strategic Forum for International Science and Technology Cooperation- SFIC) participation in FP7 and in the future FP8.
Description of work
TASK 4.1: Impacts to ERA (ICMAB-CSIC) derived from the ceramic sector needs of high level scientific research due to their application in strategic industrial sectors (aeronautics, environment, health, energy etc.) and technology development in order to transfer the new knowledge to the private sector. For ERA is quiet important the association of LA countries (AR, BR, CL) with agreement in S&T in one sector (MACs) of capital importance in science, technology transfer and industrial activity.
TASK 4.2: To FP7 and FP8 cooperation and bilateral cooperation (UAB and ICMAB-CSIC): Identifications of the calls under FP7 and FP8 in order to promote projects between the partners, identification of others calls not included in FP8, like ALFA, identification of opportunities in the frame of the bilateral cooperation (Member States with LA), like AECID-pci, CYTED or CDTI (Spain-LA cooperation). Dissemination of the calls between the consortia, calendars, competivity and possibilities for cooperation.
TASK 4.3: Impacts for the EC Agreements in Science and Technology (All partners): In each agreement nano-sciences, nanotechnology and materials are included like important sectors for bilateral cooperation, as well as innovation and collaboration Academia-Industry. Training, Education and Technology Transfer are others important points in the 3 EU-LA agreements. All this points and activities are included in this proposal, including exchanges of researchers, technicians and administrative staff. In general the specific agreements EU-Third Countries in S&T are not well known by the scientist.
TASK 4.4: Impacts to the Academia (UAB – UCH): The planned exchanges between academic staff PhD students or graduated students in both sides are a key point for the proposal in terms of knowledge transfer between both continents. The mobility associated to technical personnel and administrative staff, expert in the different thematic areas of the FPs, is relevant because can help to the formulation of new proposals. The planned workshops, courses and seminars are relevant to the Academia because their impact is immediate [AR-Buenos Aires (New techniques for identification and characterization of advanced/nano-ceramics), BR-Santa Caterina (New lines of synthesis in nanoceramicswith focus on with focus on: Relationships between University and Industry on advanced/nano-ceramics). Each workshop (3 working days) will be completed by a short course (2 days) focused in one or two relevant topics for MACs: techniques of study, raw materials, technology transfer, IPR.
TASK 4.5: Impacts to the private sector (SENAI, ADRAM and CBS): The previous studies carried out in 2008 and 2010 (CREST- Brazil Case study and Agreement on S&T between Mexico and the EU) shows important needs in S&T for the private sector and lack of fluid cooperation with the academia in order to
solve the needs from the industry. For this reason SENAI (Servicio Nacional de Apredizaje Industrial) will report the relationships between academia-enterprises in the ceramic sector.
TASK 4.6: Impacts to the civil society (CERCAL, ADRAM, UNLu): Complement the others tasks, by evaluation of the impact to civil society as end user of RTD products. Newspapers, TV, radio etc. speak about new technologies, new products or new production systems and the society is not able to assimilate the scientific or technological progresses. The perception by the civil society of the benefits and the possibilities of MACs are relevant.