Objectives. To effectively implementate the management structure of EULA-NETCERMAT and timing control of all the described tasks. To ensure successful performance of the project and fulfilment of all tasks on schedule. To ensure reasonable use of resources and adequate allocation of the budget according to the activity plan. To adjust activities of the consortium to high level standards. To ensure an efficient training between experts of the EU and the technical staff of LA partners for the formulation of new projects in FP8 (and the last calls of FP7) or others activities like ALFA. Solve any discrepancy between partners or deviation from the planned activities during the Project. To ensure efficient and adequate reporting and communication with the European Commission due to the schedule.
Description of work. The Project Coordinator (PC) Prof. Jose Luis Brianso will be directly involved in the day-to-day management activities. In these tasks Dr. G. Perez (UAB), the project manager (PM) will be supported by Florencia Crocci (UNLu) for the coordination of the specific activities with the LA partners. Responsibility for performance of the WPs will be transferred to WP leaders (WP Leaders) who will coordinate the work of Tasks Leaders. PC will ensure the coordination between the technical/administrative staff of UAB–ICMAB-CSIC and LA staff. Responsible for specific training of technical staff (LA), including training in evaluation projects submitted to calls in FP7/8. Preparing new projects to FP8. PM will be supported by EULA-NETCERMAT secretariat (Geology and Chemistry Departments) in all administrative, financial and reporting activities. For interim and final financial documents, and audits, the UAB Office for Projects Justifications will be in charge, with the help of the other EU institutions. All strategic decisions on the project will be made by the Steering Committee (PC, PM and 4 WPs Leaders). The PM and the PC will be in contact with the Advisory Board in order to exchange information’s and recommendations on strategic scientific and technical directions to ensure the sustainable development and improve the project performance. Meetings: SC in each training course& workshops. AB once a year.
TASK 6.1. Establish the communication and decision-making procedures (UAB&UNLu) to ensure effective communication between partners. Create an e-mail distribution list and a joint e-platform for documents (M2). Elaborate a short manual (3-4 pages) on project implementation, including the summary of all tasks, budget-mobility, time schedule as well as management, financial, administrative and and decision making procedures (English and Spanish versions, up to 10 pages).
TASK 6.2. Financial and administrative management (UAB) to meet the Commission requirements concerning administrative and financial reporting with the support of each partners administrative offices.
TASK 6.3. Project management and monitoring (UAB&UNLu). Steering Committee (SC) meetings will be held almost once a year, in the context of EULA-NETCERMAT meetings or courses in EU or LA, to review the progress of the project. Minutes from the meetings will be prepared by the PM (G. Perez) & PM assistant (F Crocci) and distributed to the SC, task leaders and A.B. members. The PC with the support of the WPs leaders and the PM will chair EULA-NETCERMAT. All logistic issues and minutes of the
meetings carried out in parallel with planned seminars or workshops with participation of the consortium; will be conducted by the Project Manager. The suggestions of the A.B. will be a useful contribution in order to reinforce the activities of the proposal.
TASK 6.4. Reporting to EC-IRSES (UAB). The PM will be responsible for analyzing the results of all project activities (exchanges, training, courses etc.) and formulation periodic reports on progress against its objectives and activities planned. Each WP-leader in cooperation with respective task leaders will contribute to the reporting process on a 12 month basis (or in the period included in the EC agreement). PM will follow the EC guidelines on reporting procedures. According with the rules of the agreement, periodic reports and the final report to the EC will be prepared. Each report will be followed by a financial audit (if necessary). The PM will prepare a very short and synthetic summary (3-4 pages) on the project implementation for each year (M13, 25, 37 and 47) for the A.B. and the SC. The PM, with the help of the UAB administrative staff and the others EU financial offices, will be responsible for organization of audit.